All the intellectual and material rights of the Sakhara and Ajianeh brand belong to Ayineh Sang Afra Company.
Sakhara and Ajianeh with a 55-years history in the processing of stone and decorative stones, as well as the production of stone tools, and the implementation of hundreds of construction projects and several designs, with a team of experienced designers, complete executive bulletins, stone supply and execution Provides a complete package of stone services to the engineering community.The Sakhara and Ajianeh Collection, with the introduction of the White Marble Sayman as one of the most beautiful marble in the world, with the possibility of providing a glamorous stone (Book Matched pattern) in a while, has inspired the marvel of the international stone market and is now introducing this The special stone and the use of its natural designs for commercial, residential, restaurant and hospital complexes allowed the use of this prestigious Iranian stone for domestic projects. The Sakhara and Ajianeh Group consist of three sub-collections, the Stonecutting, the Sayman Quarry and the Department of Design and Architecture.

Our Handmade and Tile Factories
Our Factories is located in Shams Abad and has an area of around 17000 m2 with the special purpose production of Slabs production. And our other factory is manufacturing the customize and handmade stone products. And the other Tile Factory is special in Tile production which in this factory we produce White Marble, Silver Travertine, Beige Travertine and Peitra Grey. The sizes are 30×60 cm, 60×60 cm, 40×80 cm, with the thickness of 20mm, 15mm,12mm.

The Sakhara & Ajianeh group, with the introduce of sayman marble as one of the most beautiful white marble in the world, with the possibility of providing a glamorous stone (book matched), aroused the wonders of the international market.

Shams Abad Showroom
Our Shams Abad Show Room is located next to our factory with an area of 3000 m2. Over there we do have around 15-20, m2 of different types of Mable and Travertine stones which they are all ready to sell as our stock.

Tehran Showroom
Our Tehran Show Room is located is the capital of Iran. In order for the convenience
of our customers whom may visit our Tehran show room.

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